Getting The Most Out Of The Camera
What the menu options do
The camera has a comprehensive menu system that allows you to set up
the camera to get the most out of it in different demanding situations,
below is a guide to some of the key functions:
This helps make items in front of a bright scene (such as a window on a
bright sunny day) clearer to see by increasing their brightness and making
the background darker.
This alters the speed of the shutter on the camera and adjusts its sensitivity.
For maximum sensitivity at night, turn the “SENSUP” to 256, however this
will have some “motion trail” on the image in low light due to the long
exposure time of the camera. In automatic mode, the Sens Up is set at 8X
and suits most applications with good results.
White Balance
This allows the colour adjustment of the camera to be set up so objects
appear a natural colour.
Day & Night
This setting allows you to lock the camera in a colour or B&W mode or
have it automatically switch. You can also adjust the smart IR function that
limits IR glare.
Allows the camera to display a warning when it detects video motion in
the image.
Allows the user to “block out” areas in the picture so that the installation
complies with the Data Protection Act and avoids infringing other people’s
privacy rights.
Allows the camera to be set to digitally zoom in on an area if the optical
lens is not quite enough.
Smart D-Zoom
Allows the camera to be set up to “automatically” zoom in when it detects
movement. This can be used to get a closer view of faces or number plates.
Allows the camera’s picture to be flipped along its horizontal or vertical
axis. Enabling the correct camera picture to be displayed when used for
different applications including as a reversing aid.
Comm ADJ
Allows the camera’s communication settings to be changed.
Movement detected
Automatic Digital Zoom
For more details on menu systems and camera adjustments,
download TIP 295 at systemq.com