IRD-3811 |
3.3 Local control using the Densité frame control panel
3.3.1 Overview
Push the SELECT button on the IRD-3811 card edge (Section 1.6) to assign the local control panel to operate the
IRD-3811. Use the control panel buttons to navigate through the menu, as described below.
All of the cards installed in a Densité frame are connected to the frame’s controller card, which handles all interaction
between the cards and the outside world. There are no operating controls located on the cards themselves. The
controller supports remote operation via its Ethernet ports, and local operation using its integrated control panel.
The local control panel is fastened to the front of the
CPU-ETH2 controller card, and when installed is
located in the front center of the frame, positioned in
front of the power supplies. The panel consists of a
display unit capable of displaying two lines of text, each
16 characters in length, and five pushbuttons.
The panel is assigned to operate any card in the frame
by pushing the SELECT button on the front edge of that
Pushing the CONTROLLER button on the control
panel selects the Controller card itself.
The STATUS LED on the selected card flashes
The local control panel displays a menu that can be navigated using the four pushbuttons located beside the display.
The functionality of the pushbuttons is as follows:
[+] [–]
Used for menu navigation and value modification
[SELECT] Gives access to the next menu level. When a parameter value is shown, pushing this button once
enables modification of the value using the [+] and [–] buttons; a second push confirms the new value
Cancels the effect of parameter value changes that have not been confirmed; pushing [ESC] causes the
parameter to revert to its former value.
Pushing [ESC] moves the user back up to the previous menu level. At the main menu, [ESC] does
exit the menu system. To exit, re-push the [SELECT] button for the card being controlled.
If no controls are operated for 30 seconds, the controller reverts to its normal standby status, and the selected card’s
STATUS LED reverts to its normal operating mode.
3.3.2 Menu for local control
The IRD-3811 has operating parameters that may be adjusted locally at the controller card interface.
Press the SELECT button on the IRD-3811 front card edge to assign the Densité frame’s local control panel
to the IRD-3811
Use the keys on the local control panel to step through the displayed menu to configure and adjust the IRD-
The complete menu structure is shown in the Annex 1 to this document, beginning on page 52.
Figure 3.1 Densité Frame local control panel