AMX Driver v1.0 for Mirage Digital Amplifiers
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Due to the number of zones and the functionality offered per zone, the module has to
make use of channels well above the default maximum channel of 255. The program
should set virtual channel and level counts for the virtual device that is the amp. We recom-
mend a virtual channel count of 4000 and a virtual level count of 1000. Do this at program
start like the below code snippet.
Calculating Channels for Zones
Each zone is identically programmed. See the
at the end of this document for an
explanation of the formula used to calculate the values and a table of the channel and level
values for all 96 zones.
Control Channels
Certain, more global, actions are controlled using channels on the virtual device itself.
Channel 1
• on = connect
on[vdvAmp, 1]
• off = disconnect
off[vdvAmp, 1]
Channel 2
• on = turn protocol communications logging on
on[vdvAmp, 2]
• off = turn protocol communications logging off
off[vdvAmp, 2]
Channel 3
• on = turn parsed (human readable) communications logging on
on[vdvAmp, 3]
• off = turn parsed (human readable) communications logging off
off[vdvAmp, 3]
Channel 4
• on = turn all zones off
on[vdvAmp, 4]
• This channel will turn itself off and should be pulsed.