8.4 Control your smart devices through Echo
Discover devices
Echo needs to discover your smart devices for voice control. You can say "Alexa, discover devices"
to Echo. Echo will discover devices which have already been added in the Mirabella Genio app.
You can also tap "DISCOVER" to discover the smart devices. Discovered devices will be shown in the
Echo needs to go through
again after the device is re-named on Mirabella Genio APP.
If the Echo cannot find the devices added in Mirabella Genio APP, please disable the Mirabella
Genio skill first and go through the Mirabella Genio skill
, APP account login and device
discover again to make Echo voice control work.
Voice control your devices
Now you can control your smart devices through Echo. Here below is an example of how to voice
control the device
with Echo:
Alexa, turn on/off TV
Alexa, channel up/down on TV