7. Usage
MiR Shelf Lift Operating guide (en) 12/2019 - v.1.0 ©Copyright 2019: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
7.3 Placing positions closer using VL-markers
If you need to dock with greater precision or have shelves placed close to obstacles or other
shelves, you can do so by creating shelf positions in front of VL-markers.
When placing shelves, make the robot with MiR Shelf Lift dock to the VL-marker (see
Docking to a VL marker in a place shelf mission on the next page
), and when picking up
shelves, make it dock to the shelf position in front of the VL-marker.
Creating a VL-marker
Before creating the marker, you must ensure that the robot is localized correctly on an
active map. If in doubt, you can check if the red lines representing the laser scanner line
match the black lines on the map as shown in
Figure 7.1. The red lines represent the obstacles the laser scanners detect. The robot is localized correctly
when the red lines align with the black lines that represent walls.
Once the robot is localized, it is possible to insert a VL-marker correctly on the map using
the following steps:
Set your VL-marker where you want the robot with MiR Shelf Lift to dock.
Manually drive your robot to the VL-marker so the robot is facing the marker.
Go to
Setup > Maps
and select
for the active map.