5. Usage
MiRCharge 48V Operating guide (en) 11/2019 - v.1.3 ©Copyright 2019: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
5. Usage
This chapter describes how to set up a robot for automatic charging in MiRCharge 48V. To
do so, you must set up a marker on the map and create a mission that enables the robot to
move to the charging station to start charging.
If you are using MiRFleet, charging is handled automatically, and you should
not create a mission that includes charging actions.
5.1 Creating a charging station marker on the map
This section explains how to create a charging station marker on a map.
Before creating the marker, you must ensure that the robot is localized correctly on an
active map. If in doubt, you can check if the red lines representing the laser scanner line
match the black lines on the map as shown in Figure 5.1.
5.1. The red lines represent what the laser scanners see. The robot is correctly localized when they align with
the black lines that represent walls.
Once the robot is localized it is possible to insert a charging station marker correctly on the
map using the following steps.