The maTerial in The insTrucTion Guide is for infor-
maTion purposes only. The mio deVice described
is subjecT To chanGe wiThouT prior noTice, due To
The manufacTurer’s conTinuous deVelopmenT
proGram. The mio deVice and insTrucTion Guide are
inTended To supporT a sensible approach To healTh
& fiTness. They are noT inTended To replace profes-
sional medical adVice relaTed To dieT, exercise or
weiGhT loss. physi-cal enTerprises shall noT be
liable for any damaGes, direcT or incidenTal, con-
sequenTial or special, arisinG ouT of, or relaTed To,
The use of mio & accompanyinG documenTs. if you
experience seVere or prolonGed discomforT or
pain aT any Time, see your docTor immediaTely. The
informaTion in The insTrucTion Guide & miosense
bookleT is inTended To be used as a General Guide
only & may noT be appropriaTe To specific users. mio
deVices are neiTher desiGned nor warranTed for
medical use & should noT be relied upon for medi-
cal purposes. always consulT a docTor before be-
GinninG a new exercise reGime or dieT proGram of
any kind. inTerneT access required (minimum speed
64 kbps), broadband recommended, fees may apply.
limiteD (1 Year)
The mio deVice is warranTed To The oriGinal pur-
chaser To be free from defecTs in maTerial &
workmanship under normal use for a period of
one (1) year from The daTe of purchase. durinG
The warranTy period, & upon proof of purchase,
The mio deVice will be repaired or replaced (wiTh
The same or similar model) aT The opTion of The
manufacTurer, wiThouT charGe for eiTher parTs
or labor. The warranTy does noT apply To damaGe
resulTinG from abuse, misuse or alTeraTion of The
mio deVice. This includes any damaGe To The mio de-
Vice ThaT appears To be caused by The use of Tools.
wiThouT limiTinG The foreGoinG, damaGe resulT-
inG from bendinG or droppinG The mio deVice will
be deemed To resulT from abuse or misuse. This
warranTy is Void if The case of The mio deVice has
been opened or oTherwise Tampered wiTh. There is
a u.s. $12.00 charGe for handlinG, posTaGe & insur-
ance on warranTy repairs. conTacT physi-cal cus-
Tomer serVice To arranGe for warranTy repair or
replacemenT by phoninG 1.877.770.1116. iT can Take
up To six weeks To receiVe your replacemenT/re-
paired deVice afTer your defecTiVe deVice has been
receiVed aT our warehouse. please noTe ThaT only
your oriGinal reTailer can offer refund accord-
inG To Their own Terms & condiTions. you can also
conTacT us by mail To arranGe To receiVe reTurn/re-
placemenT shippinG auThorizaTion: mio pedomeTer
serVice cenTer, 7501n. harker driVe, peoria, il 61615,
Toll free 1.877.770.1116 fax 1.309.689.6543 neiTher The
warranTy nor any oTher warranTy, express or im-
plied, includinG implied warranTies of merchanT-
abiliTy, shall exTend beyond The warranTy period
(one year from daTe of oriGinal purchase). no re-
sponsibiliTy is assumed for any incidenTal or con-
sequenTial damaGe, includinG buT noT limiTed To
damaGe resulTinG from inaccuracy of The producT
or any of iTs funcTions. The laws of some jurisdic-
Tions do noT allow The exclusion or limiTaTion of
incidenTal or consequenTial damaGes so ThaT The
aboVe limiTaTions or exclusions may noT apply To
you. The warranTy GiVes you specific leGal riGhTs &
you may haVe oTher riGhTs ThaT Vary from sTaTe To
sTaTe. This warranTy is Void unless The mio deVice is
purchased from an auThorized mio reseller.
eu residenTs: do not dispose of this
product as unsorted municipal waste.
it is your responsibility to return this
product to local recycling service.
eu-declaraTion of conformiTy
physi-cal enterprises inc. declares this
device (mio fitstik) in compliance with
emc directive 2004/108/ec. a copy of the
declaration of conformity is available on
request from our customer service.
operating system:
Windows XP
or higher
UsB 1.0
internet explorer 7
or higher
internet connection:
64 kbps
broadband recommended
aBs plastic
natural rubber
operating Temperature:
0°c to 45°c
cheststrap battery:
1 x cr2032
specificaTions subjecT To chanGe wiThouT
noTice • desiGned in canada • made in china
physi-cal enTerprises inc.
7501 n harker driVe
peoria, il 61615