1. BeFOre YOU start
• you will need:
miO Fitstik
miO Heart rate
sensor strap
UsB extension cable
(included in the box)
• you will also need a computer running the
Windows XP
(or higher) operating system,
internet explorer 7
(or higher) and
internet access
5. YOU are reaDY tO start UsinG YOUnGr
• View the various instructional videos on the youngr website to become
more familiar with your hardware and to learn how the tools and
exercises work.
enjoy your miO Fitstik!
• for troubleshooting and tips on using mio fitstik go to
mio.youn.gr/fi tstik
• open your browser and navigate to
• sign up for your account, and login to the site.
• put on your heart rate
sensor strap, positioning
it as shown.
Make sure the strap
sensor is in fi rm contact
with your skin—you
may need to moisten
the sensor with water
to ensure good
• plug your fitstik
into the usb
extension cable.
• plug the usb
extension cable
into your computer’s
usb port.
Make sure the FitStik is at
least 10 inches (25cm) away
from your computer. For best
results place the FitStik in
a horizontal position.
heart rate sensor