WOODWORKS: ADvAnceD pROject 2009-2010
pAtiO tAble
Tired of outdoor tables made of metal or plastic? This table has the richness and warmth that only wood can provide. Perfect for a patio, porch or
sunroom, the 44" top features a stunning sunburst radial design and seats four comfortably. The sturdy base construction makes for a rock-solid
table, and there’s a center hole for an umbrella canopy and plenty of room beneath for the counterweight.
Advanced and intermediate woodworkers will enjoy the challenge of solving this table’s complex construction, from the segmented top down to the
curved legs. You’ll create a pattern board for the top that doubles as a machining and clamping jig. Paired with a simple trammel, you’ll be able to
accurately machine the fussy curved joints on the pie-shaped slats and cut the outer ring and the center hub. Those and other jigs and techniques
will make this a truly satisfying project. And after you build it, you’ll learn more about applying and using finishes to protect the wood and keep it
looking beautiful.