= White balance set to "Tungsten”
= White balance set to "Night”
= High quality / without compression
= Normal quality / low compression
= Low quality / high compression
= Interpolated
0 0 0
= Image counter
(indicates how many pictures still to be taken)
= Camera is in Video mode
(video clips)
Camera is in Playback mode
(photo, video clips)
= Stop
(ready to record / playback)
= Record video clips
= Playback video clips
= Battery very low
General notes
Notes on copyright
Images taken with your digital camera are not to be used in
any way which may infringe upon copyright laws, apart from
the use of a purely private nature.
Please observe that several restrictions concerning the pho-
tographic recording of stage performances, entertainment
events and exhibitions even apply to private use. As user you
are also requested to observe that the transfer of memory
cards which contain images or data subject to copyright la-
ws is only permitted within the framework of the respective
restrictions of said laws.
Trademark information
The brand MINOX is a registered trademark of MINOX
GmbH, Wetzlar. MS-DOS and Windows are registered trade-
marks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other coun-
tries. Windows is an abbreviated term which refers to the
Microsoft Windows Operation System. Other company or
product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the
respective corporate enterprise.