Step 1. Motor to House Supply Wires Electrical Connections: Connect the WHITE wire (Neutral) from the outlet box to the
WHITE wire marked "AC in N" from the motor. Connect the BLACK wire (Hot) from the outlet box to the BLACK wire
marked "AC in L" from the motor. Secure all wire connections with the plastic wire nuts provided. (Fig. 11)
Step 2. If your outlet box has a GROUND wire(Green or Bare Copper) connect this wire to the Hanger Ball and Hanger
Bracket Ground wires. If your outlet box does not have a Ground Wire, then connect the Hanger Ball and Hanger Bracket
Ground Wires together. Secure wire connection with the plastic wire nut provided. (Fig. 11)
After all splices are made, check to make sure there are no loose strands. As an additional precaution we suggest to
secure the plastic wire connectors to the wires with electrical tape.
To avoid possible electrical shock be sure electricity is turned off at the main fuse or breaker box before