mi niDSP Ltd, Hong Kong /
/ Features and speci fi cations subject to change wi thout pri or noti ce
The complete set of data that controls the audio processing of the PWR-ICE amplifier is called a configuration.
The PWR-ICE amplifier stores four configuration presets in its internal memory.
There are two modes of operation:
Offline mode
The plugin is running, but has not been connected to any amplifiers listed in the device tree. The
“Now connected to” field will be blank and any changes made in the plugin will not be
downloaded to any amplifiers. This is the state when the plugin is started. It can also occur in
cases where communication with the amplifier is lost, such as a network issue.
Online mode
The plugin is connected to an amplifier, which displays on the “Now connected to” field. Any
changes made to audio processing parameters in the plugin user interface are downloaded
immediately to the PWR-ICE amplifier. The effect of these changes will thus be audible as the
changes are made.
When the plugin goes into online mode, it checks to see whether its local state is consistent with the state of the
amplifier. If not, it brings up a dialog asking you to choose what to do. See
Selecting a configuration preset
The current configuration is selected by the four buttons in the Configuration Sel ection area.
To switch to a different configuration preset, click on a different button. If the plugin is online, it first checks for
consistency between the local and remote states of the selected plugin. If they are consistent, the real-time
processing in the PWR-ICE amplifier will be updated to the newly selected configuration, and audio processing
will then continue. If they are not consistent the dialog described in
will appear.
Synchronization options
When the plugin detects an inconsistency between the local state and the amplifier state, it brings up this