miniDSP Ltd, Hong Kong /
/ Features and specifications subject to change without prior notice
Input slave mode
This mode is used when the input device provides its own clock. One example is the miniDSP miniStreamer and
USBStreamer products, which provide clocks determined by the sample rate of the audio stream received over
When the miniSHARC is put into input slave mode, I2S_IN_BCLK and I2S_IN_LRCLK become inputs. The
miniSHARC clocks the I2S_DATA_IN1&2 signal according to the clocks provided on I2S_IN_BCLK and
I2S_IN_LRCLK, and applies asynchronous sample rate conversion to convert the data stream to its internal clock
domain (48 or 96 kHz). The connections are shown in Figure 2 below.
To put the miniSHARC into input slave mode, pull pin 8 of the J1 expansion header low. This is easily
accomplished by connecting pin 8 to pin 6 (GND).
Figure 2. Input slave mode