Important Assembly Tips - PLeASe ReAd
Follow the instructions. The methods of construction documented in this manual have been proven to work.
Do not rush the build of your model! You have purchased a world class model helicopter kit, take your time
and realize that the final result is now up to you. Take the time to fully understand each step and if you are
unsure please contact Miniature Aircraft.
• Follow the order of assembly. The instructions have been organized into major sections and have been
written in such a way that each step builds upon the work done in the previous step. Changing the order of
assembly may result in unnecessary steps.
• Clean all metal parts. All of the steel parts in this kit are coated with a lubricant to prevent them from rusting.
This coating can interfere with the adhesives and thread locks needed for assembly. Use a solvent such as
alcohol or acetone to clean the various metal parts, especially threads. Be sure not to overtighten bolts as
damage to bearings and other components will occur.
• It is very important to lightly sand the edges of all carbon fiber pieces. Miniature Aircraft recommends doing
so prior to the assembly process. Carbon fiber edges can be sharp and can easily cut component wires and
battery mounting straps. It is important to use safety precautions when creating carbon fiber dust. The use
of a particulate mask, preferably one with a P100 HEPA filter is recommended. Always clean up carbon fiber
dust with a damp rag right away.
• Use thread lock as indicated. Generally any bolt or screw that threads into a metal part requires thread lock.
Model helicopters are subject to vibration and failing to use thread lock on any non-locking assembly may
result in a part becoming loose or falling off.