DC7 Diagnostic Ultrasound System
IP address can‘t be the same as other IP of LAN, otherwise it will affect DICOM
1. Press <F10> to enter into Setup menu, and select [Network Preset] -> [DICOM Local].
2. After entering into DICOM Local preset screen, you can preset the parameters, as
shown in the Figure below:
Figure 2 DICOM Local Preset Screen
The main parameters of DICOM Local are described as below:
AE Title
Application Entity title.
DICOM communication port, 2345 is default.
Maximum PDU data package size, ranging from 16384 to 65536; if
the value is less than 16384 or greater than 65536, the system
automatically sets it to the value 32768.
File Name
System default can’t be set. The user can review log content in
D:\Product name\Log\DcmLog. Product Name means the specific
product name such as DC7 and so on.
Log Lever Set the log type.
In the above screen, please enter AE Title, Port, and PDU according to the actual situation,
and then click [OK] to exit the screen.
AE Title should be the same with the SCU AE Title preset in the server
(PACS/RIS/HIS), for example, if the AE Title of the server preset in the print
server is Printer, and the AE Title of the accepted SCU is preset as Machine, then
in the figure above, the AE Title of Local should be Machine, and the AE Title of
storage server should be Printer.