The Mile Marker solenoid valve should be mounted away from any areas where heat may be considered too extreme such as an exhaust
manifold or turbo. Be sure all plumbing and wiring reaches from the area selected without being stressed. The solenoid valve should be
mounted by using the bracket and alien screws supplied. Using the bracket as a guide, mark the location of where the mounting holes are
going to be drilled and remove the plate and drill two 2¼ holes. Mount valve assembly using nuts, bolts and washers supplied. Your solenoid
valve comes with a flow disc. Make sure you install it in the right port (Fig. 1).
On some vehicles the grill may have to be removed to install plumbing and wiring for the winch
Fig. 1
2121 Blount Road Pompano Beach, FL 33069 MileMarker.com 1.800.886.8647