Arp Schnitger User Guide
louder the key action noise. This system is based on a velocity sensing from 0-127. Some keyboards may not transmit the entire range and thus you may need
to experiement with your touch if this is the case. Likwise most MIDI pedal boards do not transmit velocity sensitivity or if they do may be fixed at a lower
velocity and therefore we have not included any velocity sensitivity for the pedal stops to remove any chance of unwanted sounding speech for the affected
The tremulant affects all stops of both manuals. By engaging the tremulant any stop drawn on the Hauptwerk division will begin to show effects of pitch, am
plitude, and 3rd harmonics modulation. While engaging the tremulant you will also hear the virtual tremulant motor begin to run. Should you not want to have
this tremulant noise present you may choose to disable this virtual rank in the Rank Audio Output Routing menu before loading the organ. However for the
most realism we recommend keeping all noises intact.
s Compression
Hauptwerk 2 supports multiple loops for each sample. With multiple loops enabled you will increase the realism by allowing longer samples to play back
with virtually undetectable loops. Some samples have up to 9 loops and the majority of samples contain 4 or 5 loops. The use of multiple loops will increase
your memory requirements substantially, so it is recommended to have at least 4 GB of ram if you wish to use multiple loops on the majority of samples.
For those running a computer with 4 GB of ram that wish to use multiple loops we recommend compressing certain ranks using the Hauptwerk 2 lossless
compression feature. As compression requires higher processing overheads we suggest only compressing ranks which will not consume as much polyphony as
other ranks. For instance compressing the pedal ranks will save memory and will not significantly increase processor overhaeds since the majority of pedal
playing does not consume much polyphony. Likewise it is advisable to compress all of the noise samples. Please consult the memory requirements guide to
see various options and memory requirements available. This may be found on page 8 of this user guide.