Configuration mode can be entered only from advertising mode by applying a magnet to the same switch icon as in the exiting factory sleep procedure.
After applying a magnet for 5-10 seconds LED will turn off and the tag enters configuration mode. If you apply a magnet for longer than 15 seconds or
won't connect to the tag with the configuration app, it will go back into advertising mode.
When the device wakes from the factory sleep for the first time, it has this default configuration:
Configuration parameter
Advertising packet format
Advertising interval
5.0 seconds
Angle Threshold/Tilt trigger
Freefall Threshold/Accelerometer trigger
156.25 mg
Wakeup Threshold/Wakeup trigger
1.0 mg
Bandwith Filter
0.8 Hz
Low noise filter
Tx Power
4 dBm
The magnet is used on the reed switch to change the tag's operating modes as described above. As soon as the magnet is detected (the reed switch is
activated), the LED will start flashing for the next 5 seconds (first 5 seconds) and, then, stop. It can help you identify that 5 seconds have passed and that
you can remove the magnet to enter configuration mode.