Areas of application
Ear, nose and throat instruments (ENT)
Vario TD ENT
programme with thermal disinfection is intended for
the reprocessing of ENT instruments.
Please use a special insert such as the E 417/1 for reprocessing ear
and nasal speculum.
To ensure coverage of all surfaces by the wash liquor please open
speculum and place in the insert.
Lightweight ENT instruments e.g. ear speculum can be reprocessed
in a lockable E 374 insert.
Please be aware that thin chrome plating can be very sensitive to
neutralising agent.
ENT fibre optics
To avoid mechanical damage, only reprocess ENT optical
instruments in inserts made by the optic manufacturer or in special
inserts such as the E 460.
Pre-clean the instruments before machine reprocessing, e.g. with a
non-fixative disinfecting agent or a swab soaked in ethanol.
For fast thermal disinfection without cleaning, the
Vario TD ENT Optic
programme can be used. Manual cleaning of the ENT optical
instruments is required.