Your oven has a wide range of Auto-
matic programmes to enable you to
achieve excellent results with ease.
Each programme contains information
such as cooking function, temperature
and duration.
All you have to do is select the Auto-
matic programme and then the degree
of doneness required. For instance
under Beef you can select "Sirloin joint"
and then input whether you want it
"well-done", "medium" or "rare", or under
Baked goods you can select whether
you want your cake to be have a
"Normal" or "Darker" finish.
Sample recipes for different Auto-
matic programmes are given at the
end of this booklet.
To use an Automatic
Select "Automatic".
Select the relevant sub-menu for the
type of food you want to cook (e.g.
A list of different cake options will
appear in the display.
Select the relevant sub-menu for the
dish you want to cook (e.g. Apple
Next you need to enter your specific
cooking requirements, following the
instructions in the display.
The degree of doneness, browning
level etc. are shown by a seven
segment bar. The middle setting is
displayed by a filled-out segment in the
middle of the bar.
To change the setting, move the
filled-out segment to the left or right.
You can delay the start by selecting the
"Start later" option.
Entries made are shown in the display.
To finish an Automatic programme early
you have to switch the oven off.
If by the end of an Automatic
programme the food is not cooked
enough, select the "Continue cooking"
or "Continue baking" function.
Automatic programmes