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Below is a list of common electrical abbreviations used in documentation. 

CTCSS----------------------- Continuous Tone -Controlled Squelch System 
DCS(or CDCSS) ---------- Continuous Digital-Controlled Squelch System 
EEPROM ------------------ Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 
MIL SPEC ------------------ Military Specification 
RX --------------------------- Receive 
TX --------------------------- Transmit 
SINAD ---------------------- The ratio in decibels of noise + 
distortion to noise + distortion 
VCO ------------------------ Voltage Controlled Oscillator 
TCXO ---------------------- Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator 
PLL ------------------------- Phase Locked Loop 


Installation and Setup Information for 70-101BD and 70-201BD Data Link Radios. 

Transmit/Receive channels are chosen from the frequencies programmed by switches 
inside the cover. Refer to the channel data list provided by your dealer or servicer and  
set the DIP switches for the desired frequency. 



Note:  Not all of the switches may be useable.  Which switches do have a function are set by  
your dealer or service technician through software. 
