6.12 Select Drum Pad mode (S1,S2)
se the mouse to click the “Select Drum Pad mode” icon, user can select present DRUM PAD mode to
change the PADs value. Such as , in
” PAD mode” , change the PAD 05 value to 0x20 . Or in “CC mode” ,
change the PAD 05 value to 0x30.
6.13 Toggles the PAD group of the 1/2/3
Use the mouse to click the
” BANK-1/2/3” , software interface appears translucent red label, indicating the
user can change the present PAD group .Such as: Select BANK-1 , all PADs is 1~16. Select BANK-2 , all
PADs is 17~32. Select BANK-3 , all PADs is 33~48.
6.14 Drum PAD
Use the mouse to click the Drum PAD, software interface appears translucent red label, indicating the
user can change the Drum PAD custom functions, such as data bytes:
Ps. It has 3 mode (PAD mode , CC mode , PROG mode;
that the respective mode modifies is
6.15 Function of the alias
The area used to display the function of the alias, convenient user to see the alias of the custom function.
6.16 Modify the alias
User can input function on the edit field alias, note the use of the name to function.
6.17 Data byte (VALUE)
User can click on the "VALUE" on the left side of the square space, fill in 0 ~ 127, such as the currently
selected edit encoder(K1)
, the “TYPE” select “NOTE”, “VULUE” fill in 127, the synchronous data to the
sends a message format for the encoder (state bytes: 0x90, data bytes: 0x7f, velocity bytes:
0 ~ 0x7f)
6.18 Edit channel (CHANNEL)
Click on the "CHANNEL", the user can choose the encoder/ Pusher potentiometers on the channel
(channel value is 0 ~ 15)
6.19 Data type (TYPE)
"TYPE" drop-down box to choose NOTE (0x90), PC (0xc0), PITCH BEND (0xe0), AFTER TOUCH (0xd0),
CC (0xb0);
In the encoder (Data) mode with CC (Relative) and CC (Absolute)
The encoder back to normal mode
CC(Absolute):0xBx, Only the encoder (6.11), velocity bytes will enable the absolute value model, each
turn left, velocity bytes will start from 0x40 decreased ; Each turn right , velocity bytes will start from 0x40
began to increase
6.20 Real-time status information (STATUS,DATA1, DATA2,DEC/HEX)
After connect
, rotate any potentiometer or encoder and press the button have information
uploaded to the software, according to the real-time STATUS: STATUS byte (x > 0 x80), DATA1: data
bytes (x < 0 x80), DATA2: byte (x < 0 x80), DEC: decimal, HEX: hexadecimal display
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