2019/10/22 16:44
MIDIbox SEQ V4 Beginner's Guide
MIDIbox - http://wiki.midibox.org/
MIDIbox SEQ V4 Beginner's Guide
The Beginner's Guide is intended to cover the basic operation and concepts of the MBSEQv4 step
sequencer. It does not include instructions on how to make the most out of all the features of the
sequencer, or what each of the options on every menu page does, but it does give a good overview
for the new user.
Most of this guide is based on what can already be found in the
, and it's
not intended to replace that. On the contrary, once you've learned the basics, it's much easier to
search the official manual for a particular menu page and check out what you can do with the options
that are not mentioned in this guide. This guide is written first of all for new users who are not looking
for information on some particular detail, but instead would prefer to have an overview of the basics.
What this guide does not cover, however, is building the unit, the control surface, where to get the
parts etc. It is intended to be useful when you have a completed and working unit at your disposal,
preferably with Wilba's frontpanel design.
Also, this guide is based on the premise that you have a MIDI controller connected to the sequencer's
MIDI IN1 and a polyphonic synthesizer (mono- or multitimbral) connected to MIDI OUT1 of the
sequencer. If you don't, the guide will still be useful, but you'll have to find out yourself where you
need to do things differently.
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1. The basics
Before starting with the basics, it's useful to create a new session so that you're be able to explore
the sequencer's functions in practice. After switching the sequencer on, press EXIT until you reach the
top menu, where you can choose options like 'Open' and 'New' on the right LCD. Choose 'New', and
then wait until the sequencer has created the session.
The default new session has sixteen tracks that are almost similar.
• All tracks are Note type tracks
• Track length is 16/256 steps
• Divider/Timebase setting is 16
• Port is Def.
Only the MIDI channel setting is different, each track having its own MIDI channel (1-16) on which the
track is sending data.