Last update: 2017/09/28 22:55
Printed on 2020/11/14 19:23
The spacing between the underside of the front panel and the upper side of the PCB is about 0.27” (7
mm), which is originally defined by the encoders and the 3D printed buttons are made to match this. I
used 1/4“ nylon spacers/standoffs from eBay plus a flat washer (4-40 or M3) to achieve this spacing. I
used 0.75” 4-40 screws to put together the front panel, in which case the depth of the assembly was
0.75“ with the electrolytic capacitors and pin header / IDC connector sticking out past this. The panel
and PCB can be fastened together with 4-40 or M3 screws.
Aluminum Front Panel
There are two designs available here: my original, and a modified design with the LED pipes in the
LED rings having been replaced by 3mm LEDs just sticking through holes in the aluminum.
It took me over 2 hours just to insert the tiny LED pipes in the slits in one single front panel with the
first design, which is why I recommend the second. Since they're 3D printed (see below), they have a
small range of sizes, and at that scale some are too big and some are too small. I still left them in
place for the FM widget and the DAC VU meter; if you don't want those either for some reason, it
shouldn't be hard to replace them with holes.
All the LED holes and screw mounting holes are 1/8” (3.17 mm), which should give 3mm LEDs a little
play (some are in practice slightly wider than 3mm, and some aren't actually 3mm at all), and are
also big enough for both M3 and 4-40“ screws. On my own panel, I had to drill out some of the holes a
bit for the yellow and green LEDs sticking through the front panel; I recommend you buy the LEDs
you're going to put through the holes first and measure them before you have the front panel
It may be possible to make the front panel out of acrylic, a-la MIDIbox SEQ V4. Since the front panel
PCB is bolted to it in many places, it will probably be sturdy enough. If it's not, there's a row of screw
holes slightly below halfway down the panel, and maybe you can have those screws go into an
aluminum bar spanning the width of the front panel and attaching to the sides of your case, to
provide extra support in the middle.
(You will need to be logged in to your MIDIbox Forum account to access these downloads)
A custom front panel PCB is purchaseable directly from Sauraen for $50 plus at-cost shipping. It
includes a free detachable
PCB in the space where the volume knobs will be on the
front panel. If you are interested in purchasing one, contact Sauraen by private message at the
MIDIbox Forums or post in the MIDIbox Quad Genesis thread there.