Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
Select which action to take on AutoPing state
Use the drop-down to select from the following options:
Turn Outlet ON
Turn Outlet ON until Recovery
Turn Outlet OFF
Turn Outlet OFF until Recovery
Cycle Outlet
Cycle Outlet until Recovery
Time between Outlet Cycling (in seconds)
Note: This field only appears when Cycle
Outlet or Cycle Outlet Until Recovery is
selected in the previous field.
Enter the number of seconds desired between outlet cycling. Valid range
is 1 to 3600.
The value entered in this field determines the following:
Cycle Outlet: The duration that the outlet is in the OFF state
during the cycling process.
Cycle Outlet until Recovery: The duration that the outlet waits in
each transition state during the cycling process (OFF, and then
Click Save.
Note: When creating your first AutoPing, the button is labeled Create.
Viewing Sensors
When any internal sensors or environmental sensor packages connected to the PDU enter an abnormal state, the Alerted
Sensors section shows them for alerting users. See
(on page 30).
If any outlet sensor enters the alarmed state, it is highlighted in yellow or red. See
(on page 50).
Sensors show both readings and states.
If desired, you can sort the list by clicking the desired column header. See
(on page 27).
To view sensor data:
Click the Sensors title bar as shown.