migan MPB
Large Format Numeric LED Display with InterBus Interface
microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, Am Gewerbepark 11, 92670 Windischeschenbach
+49 9681 91960-0,
+49 9681 91960-10, info@microsyst.de, www.microsyst.de
Page 8
3.4 Control via the InterBus Interface
Data received by the InterBus („out“ words) are stored to intermediate
memory, processed and transmitted to the large format display. After
the frame has been transmitted, the frame data are mirrored via the In-
terBus as a response („in“ words).
4 IB In Words
SUPI 3 Interbus Interface
4 IB Out Words
Intermediate Memory
4 IB Out Words
Serial transmission to large format display
After transmission by the UART
3.4.1 User Data
– IB Output
The large format alphanumeric display utilises 4 IB output words. These
are used for transmission of user data which are required for control of
the large format display.
3.4.2 User Data
– IB Input
The large format numeric display utilises 4 IB input words. These are
used as a response to user data which have been transmitted to the
large format display. After transmission of each frame, the IB data which
have just been transferred to the large format LED display are mirrored
in response to the „in“ words.