View Depth Sounder
Select Position
information button on
Instrument settings
Scroll to the bottom of
the Position Information
Review the Depth
measured and Depth
status values for
expected accuracy.
Set Antenna height
If the GNSS receiver
and depth sounder are
mounted on a pole set
the antenna height to
the distance between
the measure points on
the GNSS receiver and
the Depth sounder.
The store point screens above show the difference of setting the antenna heith
to 2 meters. The eleveation reading is 409.670m with no antenna height set
and 407.670m with an antenna height of 2 meters.
Set Water level
If the measurements are
based on a water level
instead of a GNSS
measured height set the
water level in the Depth
sounder screen
If measurments are to be based on a water level set it in the Depth Sounder
screen and turn on the water level flag. The Latitude and longatude location
will be measured by the GNSS receiver but the elevation of the lake or river bed
will be the depth sounder measurement minus the set water elevaton. The
store point screen show a measurement of 0.33m from a water elevation of