In “three keys” operation: Z key is for entering the volume setting and moving
cursor; S key is for entering volume setting, adding and storing data. M key is
for storing data.
6.2 Data Set
While the left-down corner “88” display 1~7, it shows that the transmitter is in
the state of local adjustment, now you can use keys to input the pass code,
adjust data or elevation.
In setting, “S” key is for adjusting data and decimal point, “Z” key is for
moving, “M” key is for storing.
Setting procedure:
Press down S key will enter data setting, then symbol starts flashing and
you can change symbol.
If press down S key again, you can exchange data’s + and –(“
” means +)
Press down Z key, the first number begins to flash; now you can set the
number. If you keep pressing down or pressing down S key repeatly, the
number will display sequentially.
Press down Z key again, you can set the second to the fifth number
sequentially, the way is as the same as the step 3.
After setting the fifth number, press down Z key to set the decimal point.
Four decimal points start to flash at the same time and you can set decimal
point position. Now, press down S key, the decimal point position change