Service Manual
Please read these notes carefully before powering up the drive
Simbols security standard
Warning of dangerous current present
In case of doubt or in any case you don’t know as to behave yourself, before access to the
drive, power off the device and wait until all the leds are turned off.
May you have attention when you touch the drive because it may be hot.
Danger Sign
All the circuits in the Drive are potential sources of severe electrical shock, so follow these
rules to avoiding possible personal injury.
- Power off the drive and wait until all the leds are turned off before touching, removing,
connecting or any other critical action.
- Never disconnect any connectors before powering down the drive
It is very important meet all applicable safety requirements during installation and operating of any
motion control equipment. Any installer has to assume the responsibility to ensure that he recognizes
and complies all the relevant safety standards. Any installation, not meeting the safety requirements,
may damage the equipment or injury the user.
This motion control equipment shoul be handled, installed, setted-up and maintenanced only by
competent personnel expert and trained in the installation of motion control electronic equipment.
Such technicians should be aware of potential electrical and mechanical hazards. Shall never beliable
or have any responsability if the products have been improperly stored, installed, used or maintened,
or if the costumer has permitted any unauthorized modifications, adjustments, and/or repairs to the
Users must keep well clear in mind that this motion control equipment is capable of producing high
forces and rapid movement so they must be used with attention especially during the application
program’s development.
This motion control equipments are sold as end-users products to be installed only by practical staff in
accordance with all local safety laws and regulations. The device have to be enclosed such that any
part is not be accessible while the system is powered on.
We strongly reccomend to follow these recommendations in order to avoid wrong uses of the equipment
that may be impaired all the protections provided by the device.
Safety and note