Aileron Modification Instructions
Ailerons can be added to the Student flyer during the build process or afterwards. There are two options
for mounting servos as described below. Please note that adding ailerons will not make this plane
aerobatic – it’s still a trainer plane. Some pilots may prefer to fly using ailerons or prefer not having both
rudder and elevator on the one stick. Please also consider that a similar effect can be achieved by simply
plugging the rudder servo into the aileron port on the receiver or setting up mixing on your transmitter.
Single Servo Above Wing Mount.
Only one servo needed so less weight.
Quick and easy to implement.
Rubber bands need to be threaded under pushrods.
Servo position requires control horns to be placed
an angle on the control surfaces
Dual Servos Under Wing Mount.
Better aileron surface control
Looks better than single servo mounted on top
JST SH Y Connecter is needed to split the servos.
2 Servos needed so extra weight and expense.
More time required to implement.