WAN IP Address:
the WAN IP address provided by your ISP.
WAN IP Address:
WAN IP address provided by your ISP.
Use the following default gateway:
if this is enabled you can also enable the
following options:
Use IP Address:
the default gateway address provided by your ISP.
Use WAN Interface
For a broadband access device, it means the IP address of a
downstream link port.
Use the following DNS server addresses:
if this is enabled you can also enable the
following options:
Primary DNS Server Address
: enter a primary DNS address here.
Secondary DNS Server Addres
s: enter a secondary DNS address here.
The DHCP function is not supported in IPoA mode. You must manually enter
a WAN IP address, a subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS, etc.
Click “Next”
Enable NAT
NAT can enable several PCs in LAN to share one WAN IP address for
Internet access. It is recommended that you enable this function.
Enable Firewall:
Enabling this function can protect your PC against some attacks.
We recommend you to enable it.
Enable IGMP Multicast:
IGMP agent. For example, when you want to enable IPTV
in PPPoE mode, you need to enable this function.
Enable WAN Service:
enabled by default. It is recommended not to disable it, unless
you do not need to activate your WAN.