Fiber Fabry-Perot Tunable Filter |
C o p y r i g h t
2 0 0 9 M i c r o n O p t i c s , I n c .
F i r s t T i m e U s e r M a n u a l
Typical Oscilloscope Configuration
Connect the FFP-C PZT, Test, and Sync output BNC connections to your
oscilloscope channels 1, 2, and external trigger respectively.
Figure 5. FFP-C rear panel.
Set oscilloscope channel 1 (PZT) sensitivity to 5 or 10 volts per division. Set
channel 2 (Test) sensitivity to 0.1 volts per division. Set the sweep to 1
millisecond per division. Set the trigger source (Sync) to external and set the
slope to +.
Insert the filter into the optical path, as shown on the next page. Note: Input
and Output isolation may be required to prevent optical reflection
To channel 2
To external
trigger input
To channel 1