Biofob Blue brief user guide
© Microlatch Limited
Red LED flashing intermittently
Battery recharging (connected via USB/mini USB cable)
Red LED flashing slowly
Fully Charged
Green LED flashing
Microlatch uses Code Hoping Encryption to secure the communication between Biofob Blue and
the Host device:
The Biofob Blue and the Host share a mutual Manufacturer ID which is a unique and secret 64- bit
number used to generate unique crypto Keys. When a connection is established Biofob Blue will
send a random 64-bit or 32-bit number to the Host. The Host and BioBlue figure out a 64-bit KEY
with the random number based on the mutual algorithm and Manufacturer ID. This 64-bit KEY
will be used for encryption and decryption during the current connection. The Host should encrypt
the random number and send back to Biofob Blue for authorization; if not authorized, Biofob Blue
will reject this connection.
Code Hoping Encryption provides high level secure communication for all kinds of
applications. The Manufacturer ID and crypto KEYs will not be sent and crypto KEYs will be
different for each connection.
Commands function
Please read the Biofob Blue API for more information.
During the interactive biometric functions, where user interaction (placing finger on sensor) is
required, Biofob Blue may send callback packets.
Device ID
Return device ID to host.
One Time Password (Dynamic Password Generator)
If authorized by enrolled finger, the device will generate an event based OTP which is a 6 or 8
digit number and send to the Host.
Tether settings, Update synchronous code and Tether
These 3 commands are mainly used for tethering the BioBlue with the Host via Bluetooth.
Set password and Unlock
These commands can be used to replace the password with fingerprint authentication.
Bluetooth settings
This is used to change the Bluetooth device name and pairing password. If only change