microHAM © 2010 All rights reserved
3. By right clicking on the system tray icon when the Router is minimized.
The presets and the current router configuration are stored to the registry when
Router is closed and recalled when Router is loaded.
Save as - Saves the current Router settings to a preset for future use.
Rename - Allows renaming of an existing preset.
Delete - Delete chosen preset.
Show buttons - When checked, Router shows the preset buttons.
Router can control several devices. This allows configuring the settings for all (interfaces) connected to the
computer at the same time using the Presets.
Each device has its own tab (page) in the main Router
notebook. The content of each device tab depends on
the type of device. Adding a device is automatic when
Router detects a new device. Once detected, a device
remains in Router even though device is disconnected.
Each device is identified by a unique serial string.
Rename – Creates a custom device name. This is
useful if two or more devices are connected to the
Router. For example CW KEYER, micro Keyer and USB
Interface II can be renamed to more identifiable names
as shown here...
Delete - Removes a device from the Router. Only
disconnected devices with a RED “X” on device tab can be
removed. To disconnect a device from Router, unplug the
USB cable from the computer or device.
Save Template - will save the current Router settings to template file.
When clicked, Router will open a standard File Save dialog window – the default location is
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\microHAM\cfg. If a hypertext (html) or plain
text (txt) documentation file of the same name as the template is present in the same directory, it will
be associated with the template.
Load Template – will automatically configure Router from a template (*.tpl file).
When clicked, Router will open a standard File dialog – the default location is: C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Application Data\microHAM\cfg - and the desired template can be chosen. When
Router loads a template, it looks for an html or txt file with the same name as the template in the
same directory. If such file is found, it is displayed.