microHAM © 2010 All rights reserved
Understanding Interlocks
micro2R provides several forms of interlock and timing protection. When a radio is locked, micro2R
immediately disables PTT to the "locked" radio. PTT remains disabled as long as the condition that
generated the lock continues.
There are two locks:
Transmit interlock (or "SO2R mode")
Same Band lockout
Transmit interlock: is enabled by selecting the SO2R mode check box on the SO2R tab. Transmit
interlock can be “first one wins” or “last one wins.” If selected, simultaneous transmission on both
radios is not allowed. When not checked, the radios can transmit at the same time. This lock works
independently of any logging software.
Same Band Lockout: disables both radios if micro2R detects two radios on the same band. When the
same band lockout is activated transmission on both radios is immediately disabled. and the TX
AUTO LED will start flashing. Transmission will be enabled when one radio is moved to another
NOTE: Same Band Lockout functions ONLY with logging software that provides BCD band data to
the ACC port of micro2R using microHAM protocol.
System Considerations
micro2R can be used with a wide variety of software applications. The capabilities of those packages will
have a large impact on the level of computing power needed to utilize micro2R.
DOS Applications: micro2R can be used as a traditional SO2R controller with DOS loggers like CT, TRlog
and NA. In this mode, micro2R requires a PC compatible computer running Windows 2000, 64 MB RAM,
CDROM, and USB 1.1 port for configuration purposes only. micro2R is controlled through the LPT input in
“classic” mode and the advanced features provided by microHAM Router are not available.
Windows Applications: When used with Windows based contest logging applications like CTWin, N1MM
Logger, Win-Test, and WriteLog or Windows based general logging applications like DXBase, DXLab Suite,
DX4WIN, Logger 32 and others, the microHAM control and interface application “microHAM Router” must
run along side the application program. Since both the logging programs and microHAM Router are real-
time applications, system performance will be dependent on both CPU speed and the amount of available
While microHAM Router will run on slower computers, the minimum tested system is a 1.6 GHz Pentium IV,
Windows 2000, 512 MB RAM, CD-ROM, and USB 1.1 port. Whether Router can run as designed on slower
machines with less memory and leave enough resources for application programs has not been
determined. microHAM Router is not supported on any 16 bit version of Windows (95, 98, ME, SE).
In order to provide sufficient performance for simultaneous operation of microHAM Router, a logging
application, Internet connectivity and other accessory programs, the recommended system is a 2 GHz PC
compatible computer with Windows XP Home or later, 1 GB RAM, CD-ROM, root USB 2.0 port, and two
transceivers with supported CAT protocols. A parallel port is desirable for “classic” interface applications.