PLECS Model Quick Start Guide for Vienna PFC
DS50002997A-page 21
2020 Microchip Technology Inc.
During simulation, values defined in components, such as voltage sources, resistors,
or control components, can be modified. For example, the output load resistor, initially
defined by variable
can be adjusted to
to increase the resistance
by 20% or to
to set it to a 16.3
, corresponding to a 30 kW load. Double-click the
component's value field and enter in the desired value.
Modifying a Component Value.
To open a subsystem:
• Double-click the subsystem (not applicable to configurable subsystems)
• Right-click the subsystem, select Subsystem/Look under mask
• Select the subsystem with a single-click, followed by Ctrl+U
PLECS protects subsystems to prevent inadvertent modifications. To unprotect a
subsystem, right-click the subsystem (Ctrl+U), select Subsystem/Unprotect.
Adjusting the gain block of a PI controller during simulation is easily done by opening
the controller subsystem and double-click of the gain block. In the example, the
controller's proportional gain is set to
. It can be adjusted to any desired value to
see the effect on the circuit.
PI Controller.