7. Verify that all USB drivers are loaded correctly, recognized by Windows and attached. The
programmer sites will be listed in Windows Device Manager. You can open the Device Manager
in Windows by accessing Windows Control Panel or with the Break keyboard
combination. Click the Hardware selection. Expand the BPM Microsystems node. There should
be a BPM Microsystems programmer site for each programmer site attached and turned on.
8. Insert socket module on the programmer.
9. Launch SculptW software by double-clicking on the SculptW desktop icon or selecting SculptW
from the Windows Start menu/Programs list. When running the software for the first time after
installation, run the application as administrator.
10. Check the software screen to ensure that the software recognizes the programmer and socket
card. Otherwise, you must perform the configure operation. (Programmer, port, and socket card
should appear on the status bar of the SculptW software.). Wait for green pass LED to remain on.
Programming a Device
: Prior to handling ESD components, attach a grounding strap to your wrist and the
antistatic connection on the side of the programmer.
1. Click
2. Select the device from the list to be programmed.
3. Click
Data Pattern
a. Click
for a file to be loaded.
b. Click
to search for a file.
Silicon Sculptor 4
Quickstart Card