Gesture – flick gestures may be configured to perform a baseline calibration on completion of the
(configured in the Gesture Control window)
Externally forced – host forces baseline calibration with an I
C message.
The baseline calibration should be set to meet customer requirements.
It should be noted that the User Absent and Present Calibration Time-outs have an impact on the
Approach Detection Idle Time-out before the system enters the Self Wake-up mode.
Related Links
3.2.6 Approach Detection
3.2.5 Presence, Hold and Approach
Gesture Tuning
The Gesture recognition and AirWheel windows permit the configuration of the following gestures:
Normal Flicks
(Gesture recognition window)
Edge Flicks
(Gesture recognition window)
Double Flicks
(Gesture recognition window)
(Gesture recognition window)
(AirWheel window)
Gesture Recognition Window
Check the “
Triggers Calib
” box if baseline calibration is required after a flick has exited the sensitive
area. As the hand has to have left the sensing area before the calibration is performed, the sensor is not
influenced by the user during calibration.
The idle system is properly calibrated when the signal deviation of all channels is at or near zero.
Immediate feedback is given by the calibration indication in the Aurea status bar. Each time a selected
gesture is performed and the system calibrated, the calibration indication blinks. Note that only flicks that
cross the entire sensitive area will trigger calibration scans.
Larger Sensors – Gesture Duration
Default values are normally good but maximum gesture duration may need increasing for larger sensors
or potential slower swipe speeds.
Detection Sensitivity
Detection Sensitivity is a gain which needs to be adjusted depending on the expected system noise. With
low-detection sensitivity values, the gestures have to be performed very close to the electrodes. High
values increase sensitivity but are also less robust to noise. The Detection Sensitivity slider 1 can take
values between 0 and 3.
The figure below shows the variation of the SD against sensitivity to provide reliable gesture detection.
2018 Microchip Technology Inc.
User Guide
DS40002055A-page 10