Testing Board Features
2016 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS50002480A-page 27
The MCP9808 temperature sensor can be configured to output an alert signal when the
temperature changes beyond the specified boundary limits. The signal can be read on
the MCP2221 board through the pin extensions marked with J10 and J11. More
information is available in
Section 2.3 “Jumpers and Connectors Description”
Read/Write EEPROM Tab
The 24LC128 EEPROM is organized into 256 pages of memory (numbered from 0 to
255), each containing 64 bytes of data. The MCP2221 I
C Demo Board Application dis-
plays the memory content per page, organized in a matrix of 16 rows and 4 columns.
Data and addresses are displayed in hexadecimal form.
The last page of the EEPROM, page 255, is also used to store the LED notifications
configuration that is described in
Section 3.3.8 “RGB LED Notifications Tab”
By default, all the memory bytes are set as 0xFF.
Writing to a data cell will cause the EEPROM to rewrite the cell’s entire page.
Follow these steps to write to a specific cell or page of the EEPROM:
1. Select the
Read/Write EEPROM
2. From the “Select Page” drop-down, choose the EEPROM memory page you
want to read or write.
3. The address of the cell can be determined by adding the column and row indexes
in the matrix table below. Edit a cell by double-clicking on it and entering the 8-bit
value in hexadecimal form (example: for 0x1C, write 1C). Users must enter a
valid number in hexadecimal form, between 0x00 and 0xFF.
4. To update the EEPROM content, click the
Write Page
Figure 3-8
an example of writing the 0x1A value to address 0x1D0 (Memory Page
Number 7).
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