Table 4-1. LED Connection
PIC24FJ64GU205 Pin
Shared Functionality
Yellow LED0
Mechanical Switch
The PIC24FJ64GU205 Curiosity Nano board has one mechanical switch, which is a generic user-configurable switch.
Pressing the switch will drive the I/O line to ground (GND).
There is no externally connected pull-up resistor on the switch. Make sure that an internal pull-up
resistor is enabled on pin RA12 to use the switch.
Table 4-2. Mechanical Switch
PIC24FJ64GU205 Pin
Shared Functionality
User switch (SW0)
The PIC24FJ64GU205 Curiosity Nano is provisioned for a 32.768 kHz crystal.
The crystal is not connected to the PIC24FJ64GU205 by default, as the GPIO's are routed out to the edge connector.
To use the crystal, some hardware modifications are required. The crystal XC200 (Abracon ABS07-32.768kHz-7-T),
and the capacitors C205 (10 pF AVX 04025A100JAT2A) and C206 (13 pF Murata GRM1555C1H130JA01D), or
comparable parts, must be mounted on the board. The two I/O lines routed to the edge connector should be
disconnected to reduce the chance of contention to the crystal, and to remove excessive capacitance on the lines.
This can be done by cutting the two straps on the bottom side of the board, marked RA4 and RB4 as shown in the
figure below. Next, solder a blob on each of the circular solder points next to the crystal on the top side of the board
as shown in the figure below.
Table 4-3. Crystal Connections
Shared Functionality
SOSCO (Crystal output)
SOSCI (Crystal input)
Figure 4-4. Crystal Connection and Cut Straps
Hardware User Guide
2021 Microchip Technology Inc.
User Guide
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