CEC1x02 Development Board
User’s Guide
2018 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS50002727A-page 11
Chapter 3.
Recommended Tools and Accessories
For development with the CEC1702 Development Board, we have enabled multiple
tools options as shown below:
1. Recommended - Microchip Development Tools - MPLAB®X v4.10 or later, XC32
Compiler v2.05 or later, and ICD 4 or Segger J-Link debugger.
2. Keil® µVision® IDE and the MDK-ARM® Standard Cortex®-M compiler license,
and Keil uLinkPro/2/Me or Segger J-Link debugger.
3. IAR Embedded Workbench® for Arm v7.70 or later, and I-JET debugger.
4. MikroElektronika mikroC PRO for ARM® IDE v5.0 or later, and mikroProg™ for
CEC debugger/programmer.
5. GNU ARM® Embedded Toolchain or others similar that can support Cortex-M4F.
Microchip provides several free firmware projects and libraries that are compatible with
the CEC1x02 Development Board. These demos show the basic functionality of the
CEC1x02 Development Board and the CEC1702. Details on the usage of these exam-
ple projects can be found in the documentation accompanying the projects.
The CEC1x02 Development Board’s mikroBUS™ expansion headers allow interfacing
with a wide variety of click boards™. A list of boards that may facilitate application
development is available from MikroElektronika.
MikroElektronika is a trusted third-party tool provider.