General Description
The Solar Voltage Booster steps up the voltage level of a photovoltaic (PV) panel to the level
required for the Microcare pump controller. This allows any number of voltage boosted solar panels
to be paralleled, removing the concept of „array voltage‟ when designing a solar pump system.
Key Features
Solar Voltage Boosters are installed on a per-panel basis.
Each panel in the array requires an accompanying Booster. This limits the usefulness of the
Solar Voltage Booster to 375W, 550W, 750W and possibly 1.1kW installations. After that the
costs associated with the addition of Boosters are not currently economical.
The Solar Voltage Booster is specifically designed for standard 300W (250W to 350W) with a
Maximum Power voltage (VMP) of 35V to 40V.
Only PV Panels with an open circuit voltage (VOC) lower than 50V are supported.
At higher voltage levels the safety circuits will protect the Booster by short-circuiting the panel
The Solar Voltage Booster is designed for mounting behind an accompanying PV panel.
Long feed-wires are not supported (longer than 4 meters) and may cause voltage spikes to
activate the protection circuits.
Solar Voltage Booster outputs should be paralleled.
To this end each Booster is fitted with a high voltage input.
The high voltage output of one Booster feeds into the high voltage input of the next Booster in
the string.
Please Note : Max Panel Input Voltage Voc : 10V to 50V
Panel Power : Max 360W