Micrel Confidential
June 2006
2180 Fortune Drive, San Jose, CA 95131, USA
(408) 944-0800
KSZ8862-16 MQL Demo Board User’s Manual
Other Connectivity
Power Supply
A 7.5V DC power supply is used only from this demo kit and plugs into the
power jack J3 on the Demo Board.
Serial Port Cable Connection
A serial female to male cable is used in the demo kit. The cable is connected between the
RS-232 port of the PC and the serial port of the Demo Board. From the console port in
the PC, the user can read/write to registers, send packets and display MIB counters, etc.
Console Port Speed Setting
The serial port data transfer is set the speed at 38400 Bits/Second for normal display in
either a Hyper Terminal or other tools. Figure 2 shows all parameters setting on the
Hyper Terminal.
Figure 2: The Parameters Settings on Hyper Terminal