Gasoline Air Compressor Manual
Potential Consequence
RIsK of buRns
Serious injury or death could
occur from inhaling gas engine
exhaust which contains carbon
monoxide- a poisonous gas that
can kill you. You CAN NOT smell
or see this gas.
Sprayed materials such as
paint, paint solvents, paint re-
mover, insecticides, weed kill-
ers, etc. contain harmful vapors
and poisons.
Serious injury or death could
occur from inhaling compressed
air. The air stream may contain
carbon monoxide, toxic vapors
or solid particles.
Serious injury could occur from
touching exposed metal parts.
These areas can remain hot for
some time after the air com-
pressor is shutdown.
Never us a Gasoline Air Com-
pressor in enclosed or partially-
enclosed spaces. Gasoline Air
Compressors can produce high
levels of carbon monoxide very
quickly. When you use a Gasoline
Air Compressor, remember that
you cannot smell or see carbon
monoxide. Even if you can't smell
exhhaust fumes, you may still be
exposed to carbon monoxide.
If you start to feel sick, dizzy or
weak while using this unit, get
to fresh air right away. Do not
delay. The carbon monoxide from
gasoline engine exhaust can
rapidly lead to full incapacitation
and death.
If you experience serious symp-
toms, get medical attention
immediately. Inform medical staff
that carbon monoxide poisoning
is suspected. If you experienced
symptoms while indoors, have
someone call the fire department
to determine when it is safe to
re-enter the effected area.
Operate air compressor only in
a well ventilated area. Follow
all safety instructions provided
with the materials you are spray-
ing. Use of a respirator may be
required when working with some
Never inhale air from the air com-
pressor either directly or from a
breathing device connected to
the air compressor.
Never allow any part of your
body or other materials to make
contact with any exposed metal
parts on the air compressor.
Never allow any part of your body
to contact the engine muffler or
adjacent areas.
RIsK to bReathInG