Do not use any chemicals to treat the mould!
The ceramics can absorb the chemicals and
emit dangerous fumes when the Mi-Kamado is
in use thereafter.
Why use a ceramic cooker instead of a steel
BBQ or cooker?
Flavour! Moisture! Ease of use! Reliability!
Enjoyability! Ceramic does not rust away. Ceramic
materials, stones, tiles and clays have natural
insulation properties and for thousands of years
they have always been used in making the very
best Kilns, Tandoori, Pizza, Bread ovens etc.
Natural ceramics help seal in the moisture and
flavour of your food, creating a taste comparison
that steel BBQs and ovens can not compare with.
They hold consistent long cooking times, we are
talking all day cooking unattended with one load
of charcoal, no temperature fluctuations, no need
to check the cooker regularly or refuel just to cook
a long roast.
They are safe to touch the outside when cooking, it
will get hot but you will not get burnt by touching
the outside. A steel kettle or gas BBQ would
certainly burn you if touched during a long hot
They seal in moisture and improve food quality and
tastes, due to the natural insulation and flavours of
the Mi-Kamado ceramics. Steel cookers tend to
dry food out and do not contribute to the flavour or
moisture retention of the food.
Mi-Kamado do not rust away.
Are the ceramics Mi-Kamado faster or slower to
cook with?
Both! Once the charcoal is glowing and the lid
down the heat really cranks up fast, and because
you are cooking in a dome you cook all sides at
once so cooking is quicker and more efficient, you
only need to turn food once.
On the other hand with a small amount of charcoal
and plenty of time you get the unit to cook ultra
slowly at very low temps which is great for slow
roasts and smoking.
What about cleaning?
Welcome to the worlds first self cleaning out door
cooker BBQ! Well as close as!
We have no fat or grease trays to collect disgusting
mess that always overflow make mess and leave
smelly gunk everywhere. We burn our fat and
mess as we cook! Simple really, even marinades
melted cheese on the inner walls of the cooker etc
all burn away at high temp.
We do not have fat and grease build up on our
metal BBW hood, because we do not have one,
What are the procedures for replacing a worn
Should the gasket eventually show signs of
excessive wear, it can be easily replaced following
these simple steps:
The Mi-Kamado should be completely cool before
attempting to work on the gasket.
Remove the old gasket with a flat-edged scraper
or box cutter.
Clean the rim of the base and lid with acetone
(preferred) or rubbing alcohol and let dry for at
least 30 minutes. The surface must be totally clean
for the new gasket to adhere.
The new gasket is self-adhesive but you can use a
spray adhesive to ensure a good seal. If using the
spray adhesive, spray a small amount around the
rim of the base and lid. Allow this to set for about 2
minutes to become tacky.
Remove the backing from the gasket and press
firmly down onto the rim. Bend the gasket around
the rim as you press down. Do not stretch the
gasket; there is ample material for the top and
bottom rim of the Ceramic Mi-Kamado.
Allow the adhesive to cure for 24 hours with the lid
closed before using the Mi-Kamado.
If the gasket should loosen, glue it back on with
Embers glue or another household adhesive.
One of the Mi-Kamado ceramic pieces has a
crack. What should I do?
The fire ring and fire box often develop superficial
fissures or small cracks. This is due to normal aging
of ceramics and will not affect the cooking results
or durability of your Mi-Kamado.
Should the ceramic ever break apart, it can usually
still be used for cooking until a repair can be made.
Any of our ceramic parts can be easily repaired
with the use of a heat resistant epoxy.
Look for a high temperature, non-toxic epoxy,
available at most home centre or hardware
stores. Follow the instructions that come with the
product. The repaired part should be ready within
a few hours.
Mould has grown in my Mi-Kamado. How can I
remove it safely?
Mould is naturally in the air around us virtually
all the time. When it settles in a warm, moist
environment, such as the interior of the Mi-
Kamado, it can readily grow and spread. When this
occurs you will actually see the mould.
To eliminate it, just light the Mi-Kamado and bring
the temperature up to 232°C and allow the Mi-
Kamado to “cook” for about 30 minutes. Then close
the vents to put out the fire; after it cools down use
a wire brush to remove any leftover mould residue.