© MGG Products New Zealand 2021
Days 2 onwards
– Continue boundary flag awareness
Short training sessions which happen consistently (ideally 2
–3 times per day) will encourage your
dog to quickly identify where the boundary zone lies. This is achieved by repeating steps 1-7 in
DAY 1. Once your dog is aware of the boundary line with the BEEP mode, it is time for your dog
to receive the static-
correction. It is important you are there with your dog to ensure the dog’s
safety and give positive reassurance. Steps to train your dog with the static-correction are as
8. Following the steps of DAY 1 training, set the collar-receiver to MILD intensity static-correction
as outlined in “Setting the warning & intensity on the collar-receiver” on page 10.
Always start the static-correction at the LOWEST intensity level
9. Continue to follow the steps 4
– 7 of DAY 1 training, allowing your dog to attempt to retrieve
the treat from the static-correction zone. At the same time as the audible BEEP occurs, a
mild-intensity static-correction is delivered. Tug the leash to pull your dog away from the static-
correction zone back into the dog containment area.
Monitor your dog’s reaction to the change of correction for any of the reactions or behaviours
listed on page 13. Be reassuring with your dog within the dog containment area. This
reinforces the zone as a safe area.
11. Repeat steps 4-7 using the mild-static-correction plus beep in several other areas. Be vigilant
to your dog’s reaction. Discontinue training if your dog is showing any indicators of stress as
listed on page 13.
For some dogs, the BEEP is a sufficient warning signal as to the boundary line whilst others
will require the combination with the static-correction. Always start at the lowest level of
intensity of static-correction and increase in gradual increments of intensity as outlined in
“Setting the warning & intensity on the collar-receiver” on page 10.
Distraction training
Once you feel your dog is aware of the boundary-line whilst on the leash during training session, it
is time to train your dog within the dog containment area with distractions outside of the boundary
line. This is achieved as follows:
12. With full control of your dog on the leash, continue following steps 4-11.
13. Create distractions which tempt your dog into the static-correction zone, such as:
- A second person standing on the other side of the static-correction zone
- Throw a ball outside of the dog containment area
- Have a neighbour walk their dog outside of the dog containment area
14. If your dog does not move toward the distraction, praise and offer a treat.
15. If your dog does react to the distraction, allow your dog to go into the static-correction zone. If
they do not return after 3-seconds, tug gently on the leash and assist your dog back into the
dog containment area.
16. Treat and praise your dog each time your dog returns to the dog containment area with or
without help.
17. Repeat steps 12-16 with other distractions.
Gradually increase training session times to one hour. Once your dog demonstrates consistent
avoidance of the entire boundary line and remains within the dog containment area regardless of
distractions (whilst leashed), it is time to start unleashed supervised training.