MFJ-941EK Tuner Kit
Instruction Manual
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Before soldering, always inspect leads and terminals for oxidation. If dull, clean
or burnish them with a small brass-wire hobby brush or glass-fiber brush
(available at Radio Shack). Clean surfaces and good heat distribution are the
keys to strong solder.
MFJ-941EK Parts Inventory:
Use the bill of material (BOM) on the next page to account for all the pieces in
your kit, checking each part off as you go. If there's a missing or damaged item,
write down the MFJ part number and contact MFJ for replacement (see Warranty
page for instructions). Most parts are packed in three plastic bags -- one for small
hardware items, one for pc-board components and pre-cut wire, and a third for
larger parts.
Figure 1.1: MFJ-941EK Tuner Kit