MFJ-418 Pocket Morse Code Tutor
Instruction Manual
1996-2006 MFJ Enterprises, Inc.
Amateur Radio examinations consist of characters sent at 18 wpm, but
spaced out to reduce the overall sending speed to 13 wpm. To choose
Farnsworth spacing, press Select. The blinking block will appear. Use the
Next and Previous buttons to select the Farnsworth speed you desire.
Setting the Farnsworth speed the same as the overall sending speed will
turn Farnsworth spacing off.
Press Select to enter this submenu and select the audio tone
you desire. If you're preparing for a code examination, you should know
that most exams are given using audio tones between 700 and 800 Hz, so
you may want to stay within that range so it sounds familiar to you during
the exam. Pressing Select again will exit the Tone menu and return you to
the main menu sequence.
This selects the set of characters, words or QSOs that will be
randomly sent. The MFJ-418 offers a wide variety of practice sessions
applicable to many different code-training techniques and to all stages of
your code training. The character sets available are: nine beginner sets,
eleven advanced sets, and four custom sets you may program yourself. As
you step through these options, the contents of the sets are displayed on the
When you have selected the second or higher Beginner Set or Custom
Character Set, the Combine menu allows you to combine previous Beginner
or Custom Character sets into a single set for practice purposes.
When you have selected a
set, the Group menu lets you set the
number of characters to be sent in each group.
When you have selected the
set, the QSO Tone menu lets you set the
audio tone for the second station of each QSO session.
For complete details of the Set menu, see page 9.
To decide which of these sets to choose, you must first decide how you are
going to approach the task of gaining code proficiency. See the section
titled "Learning Morse Code" on page 5 for information about different
code-training techniques.
With the Interactive function turned on, the unit will halt
after sending one or more (your choice) words or code groups and wait for
you to press the Next button before sending the next word(s) or group(s). If
you want this feature activated, press Select to turn Interactive on, then
Next or Previous to choose how many words or groups the unit should send
before halting. When you have made this selection, press Select again to
exit this menu.