MFJ-259D Instruction Manual
HF/VHF SWR Analyzer
Antenna hints:
1.) Measuring Antenna Impedance:
For complex impedance measurements, you must install the analyzer as close
as possible to the element's feed point (within or 1-2 degrees of phase shift)
use a precisely cut 1/2-
wavelength of cable displace the calibration plane by a controlled amount (360-degree phase rotation).
2.) Electrical Half-Wavelengths of Cable:
Installing a half-wavelength of cable between the load and the analyzer
will rotate phase a full 360 degrees so that no apparent transformation takes place in the line. However, the
will only be transparent on one discrete frequency
. Even a small frequency change will begin to skew
your impedance readings and may even shift the antenna's resonant frequency because the cable will begin to
introduce its own reactance into the system. Errors will compound with multiple half-wavelengths, so limit cable
to one or two phase rotations at most!
3.) SWR, Resonance, and Impedance:
It's always preferable to measure SWR rather than resonance or
impedance magnitude (Z) as the standard for adjusting your antenna.
By definition, minimum SWR (1:1) and
maximum power transfer occur when the source, transmission line, and load impedance are all of equal value.
Resonance occurs when reactance fully cancels at the antenna's feed point and the load becomes purely resistive
Minimum SWR
often coincide closely, they are not directly correlated and
rarely occur on exactly the same frequency. If your antenna doesn't happen to present a 50-ohm load at
resonance, there will still be resistive mismatch in the system and lower SWR may actually occur on some other
frequency. By the same token, if you adjust your antenna for an
reading of 50 ohms, the load could
have a substantial reactive component (e.g. R=46, X=17) that elevates SWR
shifts the minimum-SWR point
to a different frequency.
SWR is always your best predictor of antenna performance!
4.) Tuning and Matching:
Unlike simple wire dipoles, many antennas such as Yagis and verticals are adjustable for
resonant frequency
impedance match
. Begin by setting these antennas for the element length
prescribed in the instruction sheet -- or the calculated length. Then, adjust the matching network for minimum
SWR. The two adjustments (tuning and matching) are separate but often interact, so be prepared to alternately
readjust both element length and network setting to achieve minimum SWR at your exact frequency of interest.
5.) Adding and Removing Feedline:
You should be able to add or remove lengths of feedline (or measure SWR at
any point along the feedline) without observing a significant change in SWR. It is normal to see SWR
as cable is added, or see it
increase slightly
as cable is removed because of changes in resistive loss.
(a.) if your SWR measurements
change a lot
with relatively small changes in cable length, or
(b.) SWR changes as the cable is moved around, or
(c.) SWR changes when the coax shield is grounded at some point part way between the antenna and the
radio, look for a feed problem!
Here are some possibilities to check:
6.) Common Mode Current
Your coax may be carrying
Common-Mode Current
on its outer shield and radiating
RF. To eliminate this problem, install a Guanella current balun at the feed point. It will isolate the shield from
the radiating portion of the antenna, stabilize SWR, reduce receiver noise, and suppress "RF in the shack".
Installing a balun is good engineering practice -- and always worth doing!
7.) Defective Cable:
Your coax may not really be 50 ohms. Kinks, water ingress, oxidation, corrosion, bad
connectors, improper manufacturing, poor quality, or even mislabeling may be the cause. Check SWR with a
dummy load installed at the far end of the cable. If the SWR is elevated or the
Impedance (Z)
fluctuates very
much as you tune the analyzer's VFO, suspect defective cable.
8.) Excessive Transmission Line Loss:
Your cable may exhibit unusually high losses caused by damage or
contamination. Or, it may simply have too much normal attenuation for the frequency range where you're using
it (especially true at VHF). To look for unacceptably high loss, unterminate the cable at its far end and use the
Coax Loss
mode to check it against specified values.