MFJ-1278 & MFJ-1278T Fast-Start Manual
When the "OK AMTOR" command is given the MFJ-1278 will switch the AMTOR mode. Follow the
AMTOR operating procedure to go to any of the AMTOR modes.
If the user does not issue the "OK AMTOR" command the MFJ-1278 will switch to 100 baud RTTY.
Note that if RTTY or ASCII signals are analyzed, and the MFJ-1278 not copying the signal correctly.
The signal may be encrypted with bit inversion. Most of the time two or three bits of the RTTY
character may be inverted. If the baud rate and the type of signal have been determined, you may
want to try to use the RBitmask command to set varies inversion pattern to match the receive sig-
nal. Manual setting of the RBitmask command is not necessary. The RBitmask command can be in-
voked when the MFJ-1278 is in the RTTY or ASCII receive mode by simply issue the "CTRL-U".
Once "CTRL-U" is issued, MFJ-1278 will automatically cycle thru the 32 possible combinations bit
inversion pattern and try to match the encrypted signal. If a match can be found, MFJ-1278 will
precede to copy the signal.
Note that when using ASA, noise will have major effect on the degree effectiveness for ASA.
The following commands have been added since the printing of the MFJ-1278 4th Edition Instruc-
tion Manual.
ASA is an immediate command. When invoked the MFJ-1278 will analyze incoming Signals such as
RTTY, ASCII, AMTOR and HF packet. It will display the result for speed, data bits and whether or
not the signal is inverted.
When invoked and the MFJ-1278 has analyzed the incoming signal a message will be generated in
the following format:
<Speed> <Confidence Factor>. <Data Bit> <RXInvert On/Off>
ASA will be used in conjunction with the OK command.
Once user accepted the results given by the ASA, MFJ-1278 will select the appreciate modem,
match the data rate, set the RXInvert and ready to receive the signal.
ASA is not effective in analyzing FAX, SSTV, CW signals and noise.
Mode: ASA
OK is an immediate command when used in conjunction with the ASA command.
When the results are displayed when using the ASA mode, the user can issue the OK command to
accept the results analyzed by ASA.
Typing OK will cause the MFJ-1278 to selected the Operation mode and match the speed automati-
cally against the signal being analyzed.